These are the 8 things that are unfortunate cold hard truths about separation, no matter how amicable it might be.
This list does not apply to people who are in abusive relationships. This is intended for marriages that break up because one or both people were "not happy"
1.) It will hurt emotionally, there is no way around this. You will question your decision on many a dark lonely night. There will be times that you are alone without the kids and you will wonder if there could have been some way to save things. You will second guess decision and replay fights in your mind, aksing youself whit if I had said something different.
2.) It will hurt financially. Mos middle class people I know live pay cheque to pay cheque, be prepared to live on a much smaller pay cheque. It will strain your finances to the limit. You will feel the pinch when you disposable income takes a really hit for a very very long time. No body is better off financially after a separation.
3.)The real looser out of the entire thing...the kids. Unless it is an abusive relationship kids have nothing to gain and everything to loose by parents separating. They loose time with there parents, the will loose financially in the long run, they will suffer emtionally. To you your spouse is just some stranger you met one day....to the kids that is there Mom or Dad they now have to live without.
4.)here is no winners and losers....only losers in various degrees. even between the two parents no one winds. Life will become harder, more work and having to do more with fewer resources and less time.
5.)It will forever haunt you as you try and enter a new relationship. Memories of past realtionships will haunt your new ones. If you "X" cheatted on you, then you will look and wonder if your new partner is cheating on you.....you will think,.."it happend to me once, it could happen again."
6.)You will loose friends. Some friends will take your X's side. If there were couples that you would socialize with you will feel uncomforatbe with them because you are single. Some friends will find it hard to deal with the situation and avoid you.
7.)It is work..lots of it. suddenly you will be responsible for every task around the house. If you have two or more kids it because hard because only one kid at a time will get attention.
8.)If you have kids you will still have to deal with your "X". You may no longer have to live with you "X" but you will still have to deal with them. When kids are involved you will want to be involved with them and the decisions that surround them. This means you will still ahve to discuss things with your "X".