Wednesday, July 19, 2017

New Love and Teenage Kids


So now that my divorce is 6 years in my rear view mirror I have been fortunate enough to find someone new.  When you are single and in your 20's and you meet someone new and fall in love it is very simple.  When you have an ex-wife, kids, it is considerably more complicated.  Dealing with different personalities and ghost from your past that can(and will) cause issues.

Just because you love the new person in your life and you love your kids does not guaranty they will feel the same way about each other. If you are lucky they will get along and become friends and be able to live under the same roof.

There will be growing pains, and with that there will be times you really feel like the "monkey in the middle".  Your new love with talk to you when she has issues with the kids, the kids will talk to you when they have and issue with your new love, your "ex" will talk to you if she has issues with the kids or your new love......see what I am getting at????  You can avoid a lot of stress if you can get your kids and your new love to talk to each other..............constructively.  Sounds simple when you say it, it is tough to implement.

The big thing is getting them to respect each other and understand that learning to get along makes everyones lives easier and more peaceful.... I like peaceful.

I explained to the kids that my my new wife wasn't going anywhere and to my new wife that the kids are going away either. So the only solution is to learn to get along, and that start with respectful conversation and give and take when living together.  We all have different personalities and likes and dislikes, lets respect those.

It take baby steps for sure, but it is something that grows as it picks up momentum

It is a constant struggle, it requires work.

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